
ECD’s process control solutions are used in multiple industries – from electronics to industrial to baking. A broad portfolio of thermal profiling, monitoring and product storage technologies enable tight process oversight, high-yields and exceptional quality.

Learn about the industries where ECD is making a positive impact.


Electronics Manufacturing

ECD manufactures a variety of measurement instruments to accurately monitor time and temperature variables in electronics manufacturing processes and ensure machine quality management.

Commercial Baking

Portable data acquisition systems and in-process sensors help establish and maintain quality, throughput, product consistency and regulatory food safety compliance.

Industrial & Process Heating

Industrial operations that incorporate ovens, furnaces and heat treating processes require tight control of time and temperature to ensure in-spec results.


Managing thermal processes during solar wafer/cell production can have a direct impact on cell efficiency in the field. Temperature Ramp Rate, Hold Time (Dry Time), Time above Temperature, Peak Temperature and cooling rates must be optimized .


Proper storage and handling of material filaments used in additive manufacturing processes are imperative for parts integrity. Cost-effective, humidity control systems protect against scrap and liability.

Thermal profiling and measurement are critical for multiple applications. Don’t see your industry?
Contact us today to learn about the other markets we serve.

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