7.0 Network Dashboard

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7.0 Network Dashboard

7.1 Dashboard


1)Data Graph:

oCrosshair - The Data Graph displays a line connecting the points with their corresponding axis.

oRange Selector: The range selector is a tool for selecting ranges to display within the chart. It provides buttons to select preconfigured ranges in the chart (1, 3, 6 month etc). It also provides input boxes where min and max dates can be manually input.

oPrint and Download current graph view - allows the currently data displayed on the graph to be printed or saved (PNG Image, JPEG Image, PDF Document, or SVG Vector Image).

oNavigator - Displays a view of the entire data set. It provides tools to zoom in and out on parts of the data as well as panning across the dataset.

oScrollbar - Offers a means of panning over the X axis of a chart.

2)Status (Real-Time):

oCurrent RH & Temperature

oCurrent Mode:


SmartBAKE™ – Settings for Smart or Manual Bake


Power ON/OFF



Door Activity (Open/Close) - This icon is also displayed on the Data Graph.

Door Alarm

Temp Alarm Bake

RH Alarm Bake

Temp Alarm Dry

RH Alarm Dry

Sensor Fault

Dryer Module Fault

Bake Heater Fault

7.2 Settings

Important Information

The Setting are a current snap shot of the cabinet settings. All changes to the cabinet settings have to be done from the Main Display.


1)SmartDRY™ Settings:

oRH - Displays the RH setpoint.

oAlarms - Displays any configured Alarms.

2)SmartBAKE™ Settings:

oSmartBAKE™ - Displays the settings for baking.

oAlarms - Displays any configured Alarms.

3)Other Settings:

oDate/Time - Displays the options for the date and time settings.

oData Logging - Displays the log interval when the unit records data.

oSensor - Displays the sensor type, Serial number and configuration.

oDoor Condition - Indicates if the Dashboard displays door notification.

oUnits - Displays the temperature units.

oNetwork - Displays the network IP Address, Subnet Mask and Gate way of the network that the cabinet is connected to.


7.3 Setup

1.Connect the ECD SmartDRY™ Cabinet to the Network via cable. SmartDRY™ acquires an IP Address from the Network. This will then be the URL Address for the SmartDRY™ Network.
2.Get  IP address assigned by your Network.
a.From the ECD SmartDRY™ Control Panel:
i.Select Menu > Other Settings.
ii.Scroll down to the Network Menu and Press OK.
iii.Log and use the assigned IP address as the web address for your web browser to access SmartDRY™ Network. For example:


7.4 Viewing Initial ECD SmartDRY™ Data

1.On initial load of your SmartDRY™ Network using your IP address, you’ll be able to view current state of your Cabinet.
i.Display RH, Temperature, Door Activity Graph.
b.Real Time Status
i.RH, Temperature, Door Activity.
ii.Color Indicators: (Red, Yellow, Green, White)
1.Door Open
iv.ECD SmartDRY™ Status and Settings:
vi.Fan and Desiccant Indicators.